Thursday, May 9, 2013

The CIA Now

In modern times, the CIA supposedly doesn't operate directly against a singular country. Mostly, the CIA is involved in terrorist problems. With everything going on in the Middle East, America and its military needs as much information they can get. Anything from highly positioned terrorist leaders or nuclear threats are a priority. In the situations of nuclear threats, the CIA has helped track down many leads on possible nukes in the Middle East that may be deployed against the United States or it's assets. As for terrorist leaders, the CIA has had a huge role. After several years of searching and gathering, the CIA was able to pinpoint the position of Osama Bin Ladin. He was found and killed on May 2, 2011. This was a huge step in the war on terror, and it was supplied by the Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA is currently on watch all over the globe and hopefully will continue to help keep America and it's allies safe for many years to come.

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